
Dipl. Biol. Kerstin Birlenbach

During the last decades, a vast development process in conservation biology has taken place. From a former more biologically focused view to a broader one these days, integrating the socio-cultural aspects of mankind. It is agreed, that human well-being depends on biodiversity for a sustainable future.

Conserving species and their habitats needs the acceptance and understanding of the human population inhabiting the same area. Therefore awareness raising and capacity building are crucial parts of conservation biology. The idea of equitable benefit sharing is written in the Convention of Biodiversity and gives the rights to the benefits of a sustainable use to various groups involved. Thus, an economic component is one of the objectives of the Convention.

Biodiversity is divided into the diversity of ecosystems, species diversity and the genetic variability within species. Biodiversity is necessary for ecosystems and species to stabilize and adapt within the ongoing processes of a changing environment.